Tag Archives: Zone System


Ansel Adams at 111

Why is Ansel Adams so rel­ev­ant today? He con­tin­ues to inspire pho­to­graph­ers through a unique com­bin­a­tion of his artist­ic style, his pre­cise teach­ings, and a happy life — which I believe we all yearn for.

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Photographing Slot Canyons

I have just com­pleted my third trip to the slot canyons of the American Southwest. It is a breath­tak­ing place, some­what chal­len­ging tech­nic­ally, extremely reward­ing, and a sort of a spir­itu­al exper­i­ence. I would like to share a few thoughts about that place, about my pho­to­graph­ic tech­nique, and about the feel­ing of being there.