Tag Archives: Poland


Opening of (Be)Longing in Kraków

My first solo exhib­i­tion, (Be)Longing, has opened at 7 PM, on Friday, 14 January 2011, at the Stained Glass Museum in Kraków. It has been a very emo­tion­al moment for me.


Interest in Photography

I have been inter­ested in pho­to­graphy since I was a child. I became enchanted when I saw an image appear on a sheet of paper float­ing in a dish filled with developer. That was bet­ter than magic.



My day-to-day job requires me to travel a lot. I beat my own record by vis­it­ing forty-six coun­tries in 2010. I wish I could travel every­where with my large format camera.

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The Meaning of (Be)Longing

The (Be)Longing series com­prises frag­ments of a par­tic­u­lar land­scape. It is dif­fi­cult for me to express in words what I see in them but I am cer­tain that there are sev­er­al inter­con­nec­ted lay­ers to which I react emotionally.

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Large Format Photography Takes Time

Large format pho­to­graphy requires excep­tion­al tech­nic­al pre­par­a­tion and the pro­cess of mak­ing prints takes a lot of work.