Tag Archives: Process


It's All About the Print

Perhaps I am old-fash­ioned, but I think a phys­ic­al print, some­thing tan­gible, that you can put on a wall, gift to someone, handle, or just share with friends, is a more power­ful form of visu­al art than an eph­em­er­al digit­al file, or a slide show.


The Expressive Black and White Print Workshop by John Sexton

After many years of think­ing about it, I have taken the cour­age to apply to attend John Sexton’s fam­ous work­shop, which he has run since the days when he was Ansel Adams assist­ant. It was a very spe­cial, amaz­ing learn­ing experience.


How to Print a (Traditional) Book of Black-and-White Photographs?

My exhib­i­tion, (Be)Longing, has closed, but the book of the same title is here to remain. I’d like to share a few thoughts about the pro­cess, and the people, who helped me get it printed.


Interest in Photography

I have been inter­ested in pho­to­graphy since I was a child. I became enchanted when I saw an image appear on a sheet of paper float­ing in a dish filled with developer. That was bet­ter than magic.

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Large Format Photography Takes Time

Large format pho­to­graphy requires excep­tion­al tech­nic­al pre­par­a­tion and the pro­cess of mak­ing prints takes a lot of work.