Privacy, Legal & Copyright Notices

Policy ver­sion 2.2, 5 July 2011

Your con­tin­ued use of this web site con­sti­tutes your accept­ance of this policy.

Website of Photographs by Rafal Lukawiecki

This state­ment relates to our pri­vacy prac­tices, leg­al dis­claim­ers, and copy­right notices in con­nec­tion with this web­site. We are not respons­ible for the con­tent or pri­vacy prac­tices of oth­er web­sites, which are linked to from this site. Some tech­nic­al terms used in this state­ment are explained at the end of this section.

General Statement

We fully respect your right to pri­vacy, and we will not col­lect any per­son­ally identifi­able inform­a­tion about you on this web­site without your clear per­mis­sion. Any per­son­al inform­a­tion which you volun­teer to us will be treated to as high as is reas­on­ably pos­sible stand­ards of secur­ity and con­fiden­ti­al­ity, strictly in accord­ance with the Irish Data Protection Acts, 1988 and 2003.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

Photographs by Rafal Lukawiecki does not col­lect any per­son­al data about you on this web­site, apart from inform­a­tion which you volun­teer, for example by: using our online feed­back form, or when mak­ing a pur­chase using PayPal (to find out PayPal pri­vacy policy you need to log-in to your PayPal account and read the policy that applies to you, or if you made a pur­chase without using a PayPal account, for example by means of a cred­it card solely pro­cessed by PayPal, click here for the Irish PayPal pri­vacy policy, which applies in that case).

Any inform­a­tion which you provide in this way is not made avail­able to any oth­er third parties, with the excep­tion of PayPal, in cases that you have reques­ted their ser­vices through this site. All inform­a­tion provided by you is used only in line with the pur­pose for which you provided it.

If you have made a pur­chase on this site using PayPal, the inform­a­tion which we receive from PayPal includes: trans­ac­tion ID, your email address, your name, your ship­ping address, and the sum­mary of the order. This inform­a­tion is provided to us by PayPal, via an email, which we per­man­ently delete once your order has been pro­cessed. Some of this inform­a­tion remains on the PayPal sys­tem, and is sub­ject to PayPal’s own pri­vacy policy. We have no con­trol over that data and the way in which PayPal uses it. Please note, that we nev­er receive, store or pro­cess any inform­a­tion about the pay­ment meth­od which you have used.

Other than the above men­tioned per­son­al inform­a­tion, we col­lect your tech­nic­al data (see below) which is anonymised and used for stat­ist­ic­al ana­lys­is purposes.

Requests Regarding Data Supplied via this Website

On request, we sup­ply cop­ies of your per­son­al data which you may have sup­plied via this web­site, as long as it has not been already deleted from our sys­tems. If you wish to obtain such cop­ies, you must e‑mail us at or use the con­tact form avail­able on this site. You should include any per­son­al identifiers which you sup­plied earli­er via the web­site, such as your name, or an e‑mail address. Your request will be dealt with as soon as pos­sible and will take not more than 40 days to pro­cess. If you dis­cov­er that we hold inac­cur­ate inform­a­tion about you, you can request that we cor­rect that inform­a­tion. Such a request must be in writ­ing or via e‑mail. In cer­tain cir­cum­stance you may also request that data which you have sup­plied via the web­site be deleted. If you wish to request a dele­tion, you would gen­er­ally be expec­ted to identi­fy some con­tra­ven­tion of data pro­tec­tion law in the man­ner in which we pro­cesses the data con­cerned, how­ever each case will be giv­en the full benefit of doubt sub­ject to the tech­nic­al feas­ib­il­ity of such a request.

Complaints About Data Processed via this Website

If you are con­cerned about how per­son­al data is pro­cessed via this web­site, please do not hes­it­ate to bring such con­cerns to the atten­tion of the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner at: Canal House, Station Road, Portarlington, Co. Laois, Ireland, or email If you do not mind, we would appre­ci­ate if you also shared your com­plaint with us, at

Collection and Use of Technical Information

This web­site uses only one, option­al, first-party cook­ie. It is used to remem­ber the vis­it­or’s lan­guage pref­er­ence (English or Polish). You are wel­come to delete that cook­ie at any time.

As we value your pri­vacy, we do not use any cross-site track­ing tech­no­lo­gies, such as Google Analytics, etc. We ana­lyse web site vis­its using a self-hos­ted install­a­tion of Matomo. No inform­a­tion is col­lec­ted that could be used to identi­fy web­site vis­it­ors, and the col­lec­ted data in anonymised at the time of being col­lec­ted, or it is deleted per­man­ently after a short peri­od of time. The tech­nic­al details logged are con­fined to the fol­low­ing items:

  • an imme­di­ately anonymised IP address of the visitor’s browser (anonymisa­tion is per­formed by repla­cing the final digits of the IP address with a zero, so leav­ing only those num­bers that identi­fy the group of addresses owned by the vis­it­or’s ISP),
  • a non-anonymised IP address of the visitor’s browser, which is retained for up to 90 days in our serv­ers’ sys­tem logs, for the sole pur­pose of help­ing us main­tain serv­er secur­ity, web attack and fraud pre­ven­tion, and over­all reliability,
  • the city and the coun­try of the visitor,
  • the pre­vi­ous web­site address from which the vis­it­or reached us, includ­ing any search terms used,
  • click sequence data which shows the traffic of vis­it­ors around this web site (for example pages accessed and doc­u­ments downloaded),
  • the time spent on the web site,
  • the type of web browser used by the web­site vis­it­or, includ­ing its tech­nic­al cap­ab­il­it­ies and screen resolution.

Please note that due to the way the Internet oper­ates, the tech­nic­al details in con­nec­tion with vis­its to this web­site may also be logged by your, by our, or by any inter­me­di­ate Internet or net­work ser­vice pro­viders, and this, unfor­tu­nately, is entirely out­side of our control.

Photographs by Rafal Lukawiecki will make no attempt to identi­fy indi­vidu­al vis­it­ors, or to asso­ci­ate the tech­nic­al details lis­ted above with any indi­vidu­al. It is our policy nev­er to dis­close such tech­nic­al inform­a­tion in respect of indi­vidu­al web­site vis­it­ors to any third party, unless obliged to dis­close such inform­a­tion by a rule of law. The tech­nic­al inform­a­tion will be used only by us, and only for stat­ist­ic­al and oth­er admin­is­trat­ive pur­poses, not­ably for the pur­pose of improv­ing the site’s design and its ser­vices. You should note that tech­nic­al details, which we can­not asso­ci­ate with any identifi­able indi­vidu­al, do not con­sti­tute “per­son­al data” for the pur­poses of the Irish Data Protection Acts, 1988 and 2003.

Glossary of Technical Terms

web browser — The piece of soft­ware you use to read and dis­play web pages (for example: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Navigator and Opera).

IP address — The identi­fy­ing details for your com­puter (or your inter­net company’s com­puter), expressed in “inter­net pro­tocol” code (for example Every com­puter con­nec­ted to the web has a unique IP address, although the address may not be the same every time a con­nec­tion is made.

cook­ies — Small pieces of inform­a­tion, stored in simple text files, placed on your com­puter by a web site by means of your browser. Cookies can be read by the web site on your sub­sequent vis­its. The inform­a­tion stored in a cook­ie may relate to your brows­ing pref­er­ences on the web page, or a unique identific­a­tion num­ber so that the web site can “remem­ber” you on your return vis­it. Generally speak­ing, cook­ies do not con­tain per­son­al inform­a­tion from which you can be identified, unless you have fur­nished such inform­a­tion to the web site. First-party cook­ies are those that are cre­ated by the actu­al web you vis­it (in this case Rafal.Net) rather than shared or cre­ated by some oth­er web sites.

serv­er — a com­puter sys­tem access­ible from the Internet that provides ser­vices, and, in par­tic­u­lar, that serves web pages and cook­ies reques­ted by the vis­it­or’s web browser.

Legal Disclaimers

Because the world is the way it is, we are obliged to make a num­ber of bor­ing but sadly rather import­ant leg­al disclaimers.

The inform­a­tion con­tained in this web­site is for gen­er­al inform­a­tion pur­poses only. Some of the inform­a­tion on this web site is provided by Photographs by Rafal Lukawiecki and while we endeav­our to keep the inform­a­tion up to date and cor­rect, we make no rep­res­ent­a­tions or war­ranties of any kind, express or implied, about the com­plete­ness, accur­acy, reli­ab­il­ity, suit­ab­il­ity or avail­ab­il­ity with respect to the web­site or the inform­a­tion, products, ser­vices, pho­to­graphs, or related graph­ics con­tained on the web­site for any pur­pose. Any reli­ance you place on such inform­a­tion is there­fore strictly at your own risk.

Majority of the inform­a­tion provided on this web site is a per­son­al opin­ion or a com­ment by Mr Rafal Lukawiecki and per­son­al com­ments by oth­er vis­it­ors to Mr Lukawiecki’s per­son­al blog. Photographs by Rafal Lukawiecki acts only as a pub­lish­er of those com­ments and is not respons­ible for the con­tent of any of those comments.

In no event will we be liable for any loss or dam­age includ­ing without lim­it­a­tion, indir­ect or con­sequen­tial loss or dam­age, or any loss or dam­age what­so­ever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in con­nec­tion with, the use of this web­site or any products or ser­vices offered, sold, exchanged, gif­ted, or oth­er­wise provided by us. If you do not agree with this lim­it­a­tion of liab­il­ity you must dis­con­nect, and cease to use, or oth­er­wise benefit from this web site. Your stat­utory rights are not affec­ted or lim­ited by us in any way.

Through this web­site you are able to link to oth­er web­sites which are not under the con­trol of Photographs by Rafal Lukawiecki. We have no con­trol over the nature, con­tent and avail­ab­il­ity of those sites. The inclu­sion of any links does not neces­sar­ily imply a recom­mend­a­tion or endorse the views expressed with­in them.

Every effort is made to keep the web­site up and run­ning smoothly. However, Photographs by Rafal Lukawiecki takes no respons­ib­il­ity for, and will not be liable for, the web­site being tem­por­ar­ily unavail­able due to issues bey­ond our control.

Legal Identity of Photographs by Rafal Lukawiecki

Photographs by Rafal Lukawiecki is a registered busi­ness name, regis­tra­tion num­ber 436587 (Registration of Business Names Act, 1963), belong­ing to Project Botticelli Ltd, which is a registered Irish lim­ited-liab­il­ity com­pany, regis­tra­tion num­ber 455555, VAT regis­tra­tion IE 9682700P, which is under the con­trol of Mr Rafal Lukawiecki. Directors: R Lukawiecki (Polish), R Molloy. All leg­al cor­res­pond­ence should be sent to: 51A Dawson St, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Governing Law

Notwithstanding the option to mutu­ally agree oth­er­wise, it is implied that the laws of the Republic of Ireland will apply in case of a dispute.

Copyright Notice

This web­site and its con­tent, with the excep­tions of: the pho­to­graphs and their web repro­duc­tions, and the per­son­al com­ments con­tained on this site, is copy­right of Photographs by Rafal Lukawiecki. © Photographs by Rafal Lukawiecki 2012. All rights reserved.

All pho­to­graphs, both the ori­gin­al prints and their web repro­duc­tions con­tained in the images shown on this site (the Works), and all per­son­al com­ments made by Mr Lukawiecki, are copy­right of Rafal Lukawiecki. © Rafal Lukawiecki 2012. All rights reserved. Further, the right of Rafal Lukawiecki to be identified as the Author of the Works and his com­ments has been asser­ted by him in accord­ance with the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1998 of the United Kingdom.

Visitors to this site, who leave com­ments on it, retain their copy­right to and own­er­ship of their own com­ments. However, if by the act of using this web site you sub­mit and so pub­lish your com­ments you neces­sar­ily grant us a world­wide, roy­alty-free right to use, dis­trib­ute, trans­late, and pub­licly dis­play your com­ments to the reas­on­able extent that is neces­sary for this web site to oper­ate. The pur­pose of this license is only to allow us to dis­play a web page on this site without break­ing Irish or inter­na­tion­al laws — to put it simply, if you leave a com­ment, we need the right to dis­play it.

Any redis­tri­bu­tion or repro­duc­tion of part or all of the con­tents, includ­ing the images, in any form is pro­hib­ited, oth­er than you may: print or down­load to a loc­al hard disk extracts for your per­son­al and non-com­mer­cial use only, link to the web site’s entire pages with attri­bu­tion, and track­back or ping­back to the pages and post­ings. Direct link­ing to the images con­tained on this web site in a way that places them on oth­er web sites or sys­tems without show­ing the ori­gin­al page on which they have been shown on this web site is expressly pro­hib­ited. We would be happy to offer you a suit­able license to use our images if you desire one, please con­tact us at to dis­cuss your needs.

You may not, except with our express writ­ten per­mis­sion, dis­trib­ute or com­mer­cially exploit the con­tent. Nor may you trans­mit it or store it in any oth­er web­site or oth­er form of elec­tron­ic retriev­al sys­tem with the excep­tion of the afore­men­tioned cases.

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